Prerequisites 1. Docker and docker-compose. > apt-get install docker > apt-get install docker-compose In Centos, > yum install docker-compose > yum install docker-compose 2. Nginx , command: apt-get install nginx. In Centos, >yum install nginx 3. Self -Signed SSL certificate for Nginx. 4. apache2-utils to restrict image access using user name and password. command: apt-get install apache2-utils In Centos, > yum install httpd-tools 5. Nano editor (you can use any editor you like). Command: apt-get install nano In Centos, > yum install nano Let's Begin, First, we need to create a docker-registry to keep images and authentication data. 1. Let's create a docker-registry d...
The perfect world is a mirage but can see it in some places. keep looking even mirages are a sign of hope.